Full Mouth Rehabilitation

Missing teeth, gum disease, and improper bites are just a few of the issues that can lead to an unpleasant smile. And if these issues are not handled properly, they can lead to pain, suffering, and more severe difficulties in the future. As a result, many patients are considering full mouth rehabilitation.

It is a comprehensive mouth reconstruction that covers all of your difficulties at the same time. And you’re left with a gorgeous, healthy smile.

Procedures Commonly Involved in Dental Rehabilitation

The first thing your dentist will do is undertake a thorough examination of your mouth. Then your dental specialist will examine the existing health of your teeth. Each approach is unique based on your objectives and budget. However, multiple common methods are involved in tooth reconstruction which is given below:

  • Bruxism Treatments
  • Cosmetic Dentistry
  • Implants
  • Neuromuscular Dentistry/TMD Treatments
  • Oral Surgeries
  • Periodontal Treatments

What Qualifies a Patient for Teeth Reconstruction?

You are an ideal candidate for full mouth rehabilitation if you are facing several oral health conditions and your present oral health concerns are impacting most or all of your teeth and surrounding structures. Young individuals have fewer worries regarding their dental procedures. However, if you are elderly or have health problems, your dentist could design a treatment plan that includes minimally invasive treatments.

Full Mouth Rehabilitation at Dental Care

We think that full mouth rehabilitation is practically a work of art, and our professionals take on the role of skilled craftsmen working to effectively fulfill your objectives. Your personalized treatment program will enable you to restore your mouth’s health, appearance, and function most efficiently and cost-effectively. Contact us to determine if you are a suitable candidate to get started on your quest for full mouth rehabilitation.